---+!! What is an !ACRONYM? An acronym is an abbreviation that is typically made up of the first letter or letters of a phrase. A very familiar example would be WWW standing for World Wide Web. In Foswiki, an acronym of 3 or more letters will be automatically linked _only if a topic of that name already exists in the Web._ When you type an Acronym, you establish a possible hyperlink. It's as easy as that. Just like !WikiWord linking, acronym linking is easy to use: * You don't have to know the full path to where the topic is stored - you just type the name * You don't need to write HTML * Without HTML, the topic text is easier to read when editing * Easy linking leads to interesting texts with links placed in context ---++ Syntax of an Acronym * 3 or more Uppercase letter(s) Acronym syntax in [[Wikipedia:Extended_Backus_Naur_Form][Extended Backus.Naur form]] (EBNF): <verbatim> Acronym = 3*upperLetters ; upperLetters = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z" ; </verbatim> ---++ Examples of Acronyms * HTML * RADAR But _Not_ * HTML5 - A digit breaks the acronym link. * FAQs - The lower case letter breaks the link. ---++ Variations in linking When you write an acronym and the acronym topic already exists, it becomes a link. There are more ways * To force a link to to an acronym, use bracket notation: =[<nop>[HTML5]]= - this becomes: [[HTML5]] and will display the broken link indicator (?) if the topic does not exist. * To link to an acronym in *another web*, write: =%SANDBOXWEB%.HTML= - this becomes: %SANDBOXWEB%.HTML * To link to an acronym on a site like the Acronym Finder, use: =Acronym:HTTP= - this becomes: Acronym:HTTP (sites are defined in the InterwikiPlugin) ---++ Hints * To stop an Acronym from being turned into a hyperlink, insert an exclamation point immediately before the Acronym. For example, write =!<nop>HTML= to get HTML. * Unlike WikiWords, plural Acronyms are _not_ automatically linked to the singular topic. * =FAQ= will be linked, but =FAQIndex= will not. Turn acronyms into !WikiWords, i.e. Change =FAQIndex= to =FaqIndex= for a "FAQ index" topic. * It is possible to turn off the auto-linking and to rely only on the bracket notation using the NOAUTOLINK [[%SYSTEMWEB%.PreferenceSettings][preference setting]]. * You can set NOAUTOLINK in your personal topic, or directly in any topic to change linking behavior for you or an individual topic. --- *Related Topics:* WikiSyntax, TextFormattingRules %STOPINCLUDE%
This topic: System
Topic revision: revision 1 (raw view)
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