---+ %TOPIC% %JQPLUGINS{"pnotify" format=" Homepage: $homepage <br /> Author(s): $author <br /> Version: $version " }% %STARTSECTION{"summary"}% Full featured plugin to show temporary floating messages for status updates, actions and errors. %ENDSECTION{"summary"}% ---++ Usage Call =$.pnotify(options)= to show a notification. Most common options: * =title=: the title * =text=: the message text * =delay=: milliseconds to show the message * =opacity=: value from =0= (fully transparent) to =1= (opaque) * =nonblock=: =true= if items below the message should be clickable * =type=: ='error'= if an error message | *Option* | *Comment* | *Default value* | | =title= | The notice's title | =false= | | =title_escape= | Whether to escape the content of the title. (Not allow HTML.) | =false= | | =text= | The notice's text| =false= | | =text_escape= | Whether to escape the content of the text. (Not allow HTML.) | =false= | | =styling= | What styling classes to use. (Can be either jqueryui or bootstrap.) | =jqueryui= | | =addclass= | Additional classes to be added to the notice (for custom styling) | "" | | =cornerclass= | Class to be added to the notice for corner styling. | "" | | =nonblock= | Create a non-blocking notice; it lets the user click elements underneath it | =false= | | =nonblock_opacity= | The opacity of the notice (if it's non-blocking) when the mouse is over it | =0.2= | | =history= | Display a pull down menu to redisplay previous notices, and place the notice in the history | =false= | | =width= | Width of the notice | ="300px"= | | =min_height= | Minimum height of the notice; it will expand to fit content | ="16px"= | | =type= | Type of the notice. "notice", "info", "success", or "error" | ="notice"= | | =icon= | Set icon to true to use the default icon for the selected style/type, false for no icon, or a string for your own icon class. | =true= | | =animation= |The animation to use when displaying and hiding the notice. "none", "show", "fade", and "slide" are built in to jQuery. Others require jQuery UI. Use an object with effect_in and effect_out to use different effects. | ="fade"= | | =animate_speed= | Speed at which the notice animates in and out; ="slow"=, ="def"= or ="normal"=, ="fast"= or number of milliseconds | ="slow"= | | =opacity= | Opacity of the notice | =1= | | =shadow= | Display a drop shadow | =false= | | =closer= | Provide a button for the user to manually close the notice | =true= | | =closer_hover= | Only show the closer button on hover. | =true= | | =sticker= | Provide a button for the user to manually stick the notice. | =true= | | =sticker_hover= | Only show the sticker button on hover. | =true= | | =hide= | After a delay, remove the notice | =true= | | =delay= | Delay in milliseconds before the notice is removed | =8000= | | =mouse_reset= | Reset the hide timer if the mouse moves over the notice | =true= | | =remove= | Remove the notice's elements from the DOM after it is removed | =true= | | =insert_brs= | Change newlines to =br= tags | =true= | | =stack= | The stack on which the notices will be placed. Also controls the direction the notices stack. | ={"dir1": "down", "dir2": "left", "push": "bottom", "spacing1": 25, "spacing2": 25}= | | =before_init | function called when the message is being initialized | | | =after_init= | function called when the message has been initialized | | | =before_open | called when a message is about to be closed | | | =after_open= | called when the message has been displayed | | | =before_close= | called before a message is closed | | | =after_close= | called when a message has been closed | | See for examples the [[http://pines.sourceforge.net/pnotify/][plugin example page]]. The plugin uses the jQuery UI CSS library for styling, which means it is fully and easily themeable. ---++ Examples %JQREQUIRE{"pnotify"}% * <a href="#" class="pnotifyExample1">a simple notice</a> * <a href="#" class="pnotifyExample2">a simple info</a> * <a href="#" class="pnotifyExample3">a success message</a> * <a href="#" class="pnotifyExample4">an error message</a> * %BUTTON{"a customized one" class="simple" onclick="showMessage('Note', 'This is a notification. Click again to see more.')"}%%CLEAR% * <a href="#" class="pnotifyExample5">an animated info message</a> <literal> <script> var showMessage jQuery(function($) { $('.pnotifyExample1').click(function() { $.pnotify({ text: 'Hello World', closer: false }); return false; }); $('.pnotifyExample2').click(function() { $.pnotify({ text: 'Hello World', closer: false, type: 'info' }); return false; }); $('.pnotifyExample3').click(function() { $.pnotify({ text: 'Upload finished', closer: false, type: 'success' }); return false; }); $('.pnotifyExample4').click(function() { $.pnotify({ text: 'Upload failed', closer: false, type: 'error' }); return false; }); $('.pnotifyExample5').click(function() { $.pnotify({ text: 'an animated info message', type: 'info', animation: { effect_in: 'drop', options_in: {easing: 'easeOutBounce'}, effect_out: 'drop', options_out: {easing: 'easeOutCubic'} }, animation_speed: 700 }); return false; }); // example with a message stack var stack_topleft = {'dir1': 'down', 'dir2': 'right', 'push': 'top'}; showMessage = function(title, text, err) { var err = Math.round(Math.random()), opts = { title: title, text: text, addclass: 'stack-topleft', stack: stack_topleft, closer: false, delay: 4000, nonblock: true, opacity: 0.9 }; if (err) { opts.pnotify_type = 'error'; } $.pnotify(opts); }; }); </script> <style> .ui-pnotify.stack-topleft { top: 15px; left: 15px; right: auto; } </style> </literal>
This topic: System
Topic revision: revision 1 (raw view)
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