---+ %TOPIC% %JQPLUGINS{"tooltip" format=" Homepage: $homepage <br /> Author(s): $author <br /> Version: $version " }% %STARTSECTION{"summary"}% Display a customized tooltip instead of the default one for every selected element. Tooltips can be added automatically to any element that has got at =title= attribute thus replacing the standard tooltip as displayed by the browsers with a customizable one. Content can be reloaded using AJAX. For example, this can be used to display an image preview in a tooltip. Have a look at the thumbnail REST service of Foswiki:Extensions/ImagePlugin how to load the thumnail from the backend dynamically. %ENDSECTION{"summary"}% ---++ Examples %JQREQUIRE{"tooltip"}% <div class="jqTooltip"> All elements with a <i title="I've got a title">title attribute</i> in here get a tooltip. Options can be given using metadata inside the class attribute like this: <verbatim class="html {extraClass:'bubble', fade:'true'}" title="Help: How to pass arguments to the jquery.tooltip plugin"> <div class="{extraClass:'bubble'}" title="Help: How to pass arguments to the jquery.tooltip plugin"> Hover me. </div> </verbatim> </div>
This topic: System
Topic revision:
12 Feb 2010,
(raw view)
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