%STARTINCLUDE% ---+ Skin Template Tokens _Placeholders expanded by Foswiki scripts when generating output_ %TOC% %STARTSECTION{"PowerUserGuide"}% ---++ Overview _Template Tokens_ are written exactly like Foswiki [[Macros][macros]], but they are local to the script / template expansion process and can __not__ be used elswhere in Foswiki topics. Each Foswiki script might have it's own unique set of tokens. A token that is expanded by the =view= script would most likely not be expanded by the =attach= script. Unlike Foswiki Macros, tokens do not support {...} parameters. They are merely a placeholder that is replaced by the script. %T% *Note:* The SEARCH macro also uses tokens in the =search= templates, %however they are in the format of ==$token==. ---++ Foswiki scripts ---+++ =attach= script | %<nop>ATTACHTABLE% | | | %<nop>FILEUSER% | | | %<nop>FILENAME% | | | %<nop>HIDEFILE% | | | %<nop>FILEPATH% | | | %<nop>FILECOMMENT% | | ---+++ =change= script | %<nop>REPEAT% | | | %<nop>TEXT% | | | %<nop>TOPICNAME% | | | %<nop>AUTHOR% | The web qualified WikiName of the change | | %<nop>TIME% | | | %<nop>REVISION% | | | %<nop>TEXTHEAD% | | | $wikiname | The <nop> escaped WikiName of the change | ---+++ =edit= script | %<nop>FORCENEWREVISIONCHECKBOX% | | | %<nop>NEWTOPIC% | | | %<nop>TEMPLATETOPIC% | | | %<nop>REDIRECTTO% | | | %<nop>ORIGINALREV% | | | %<nop>TOPICPARENT% | | | %<nop>FORMTEMPLATE% | | | %<nop>CMD% | | | %<nop>FORMFIELDS% | | | %<nop>UNENCODED_TEXT% | | | %<nop>TEXT% | | ---+++ =manage= script | %<nop>TEXT% | | | %<nop>ORIGINALREV% | | ---+++ =oops= script | %<nop>PARAMn% | | | %<nop>INSTANTIATE% | | ---+++ =preview= script | %<nop>DONTNOTIFYCHECKBOX% | | | %<nop>FORCENEWREVISIONCHECKBOX% | | | %<nop>CMD% | | | %<nop>REDIRECTTO% | | | %<nop>FORMTEMPLATE% | | | %<nop>FORMFIELDS% | | | %<nop>TOPICPARENT% | | | %<nop>HIDDENTEXT% | | | %<nop>CMD% | | | %<nop>ORIGINALREV% | | | %<nop>TEXT% | | ---+++ =rdiff= script | %<nop>REVTITLE1% | | | %<nop>REVTITLE2% | | | %<nop>REVINFO1% | | | %<nop>REVINFO2% | | | %<nop>REPEAT% | | | %<nop>TEXT% | | | %<nop>TAIL% | | | %<nop>CURRREV% | | | %<nop>MAXREV% | | ---+++ =register= script $ =registerconfirm.tmpl=: Sent to new user to validate the email address. $ =registerfailednotremoved.tmpl=: Email to the %WIKIWEBMASTERNAME% that the =registernotify= email failed, suggesting fradulent registration. User account not removed. $ =registerfailedremoved.tmpl=: Email to the %WIKIWEBMASTERNAME% that the =registernotify= email failed, and the registration was remived $ =registernotifyadmin.tmpl=: Email to %WIKIWEBMASTERNAME% that registration completed successfully $ =registernotify.tmpl=: Email to new user that registration completed successfully | %<nop>SPLIT% | Used to divide the %SYSTEMWEB%.NewUserTemplate topic into 3 sections: header, repeating keys, and footer. Not referenced in skin templates | | %<nop>FIRSTLASTNAME% | First and last name of the user registering. | | %<nop>WIKINAME% | Wikiname of the new user | | %<nop>EMAILADDRESS% | Email address of the new user | | %<nop>FORMDATA% | Registration form data, *not* expanded in =registerconfirm.tmpl= | | %<nop>LOGINNAME% | Login name used with external authentication | | %<nop>INTRODUCTION% | Unused. If passed in as a URL parm =Introduction= on the register request, will be passed on to the email message.| | %<nop>VERIFICATIONCODE% | The verification password send in the =registerconfirm.tmpl= use to confirm the email address is valid | | %<nop>PASSWORD% | User password - not used in current templates. Password is expanded in the %FORMDATA% depending upon the setting of ={Register}{HidePasswd}= in =LocalSite.cfg= | ---+++ =rename= script $ =moveattachment.tmpl=: Prompts for renaming or moving an attachment $ =rename.tmpl=: Prompts for newattachment, newtopic, newweb, and the submit button $ =renameconfirm.tmpl=: Prompts rename/move or cancel $ =renamedelete.tmpl=: Promps for renamed topic name and delete or cancel $ =renameweb.tmpl=: Prompts for new webname and Rename/Move or cancel $ =renamewebconfirm.tmpl=: x $ =renamewebdelete.tmpl=: x $ param{'template'): Accepts template name from query? | %<nop>FILENAME% | | | %<nop>NEW_FILENAME% | | | %<nop>NEW_WEB% | | | %<nop>NEW_TOPIC% | | | %<nop>NONWIKIWORDFLAG% | | | %<nop>GLOBAL_SEARCH% | | | %<nop>LOCAL_SEARCH% | | | %<nop>SEARCH_COUNT% | | | %<nop>NEW_PARENTWEB% | | | %<nop>NEW_SUBWEB% | | | %<nop>TOPIC% | | | %<nop>MOVE_LOCKED% | | | %<nop>REF_DENIED% | | | %<nop>REF_LOCKED% | | | %<nop>RENAMEWEB_SUBMIT% | | ---+++ =rest= script %X% rest does not use any templates ---+++ =save= script %X% save does not use any templates ---+++ =search= script %X% search is deprecated, and redirects to the view script ---+++ =statistics= script %X% statistics does not use any templates ---+++ =upload= script %X% upload does not use any templates ---+++ =viewfile= script %X% viewfile does not use any templates ---+++ =view= script | %<nop>REVTITLE% | | | %<nop>REVARG% | | | %<nop>REVISIONS% | | | %<nop>QUERYPARAMSTRING% | | | %<nop>TEXT% | | | %<nop>STARTTEXT% | | | %<nop>ENDTEXT% | | %ENDSECTION{"PowerUserGuide"}% --- *Related Topics:* [[Skins]] [[Macros]] [[JavascriptFiles]] <!-- %JQREQUIRE{"chili"}% --> %STOPINCLUDE%
This topic: System
Topic revision: revision 1 (raw view)
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