---+!! Topics %TOC% <div style="float: right; width: 307px; padding-left: 1em;"> #SystemWebFigure <div style="padding-bottom: 1em;"> *Figure:* depiction of WebHome, ReferenceManual, ManagingTopics, ManagingWebs, MainFeatures topics contained in the System web</div> <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/diagram.png" width="307px" height="438px"/> </div> #TopicDefinition __Topics__ are the basic building block of a Foswiki site. You may be more familiar with the term _pages_, _documents_ or _articles_ in other software; however, Foswiki's _topics_ traditionally serve more purposes than the equivalent in other systems. Topics can only exist inside a _web_. The topic you're reading now is %TOPIC%. #WebDefinition A __Web__ is a collection of topics (and other webs, known as _subwebs_). Webs are containers and by themselves cannot store information; only topics can do that. You may be more familiar with the term _Namespaces_ in other wiki software, but Foswiki's _webs_ are more like _directories_ and _folders_ in your computer's operating system. There is no common "root" web. The %TOPIC% topic you're reading now is contained in the [[%HOMETOPIC%][%WEB%]] web (its complete, _fully qualified_ name is [[%WEB%.%TOPIC%]]). ---++ Anatomy of a Topic Each topic has: * name * topics in a given web have unique names to identify them * topics with a WikiWord name are automatically linked (as opposed to =[<nop>[forced bracketed links]]= - see [[WikiSyntax#Internal_and_external_links][WikiSyntax]] to learn more) * there are restrictions on topic names; see [[#TopicNames][topic naming rules]] * a topic's _fully qualified_ name is prefixed with the _web_ it is contained in, for example the topic you're reading now may be referred to as [[%WEB%.%TOPIC%]] * _fully qualified_ names are used when a link is being made to a topic in another web * content * you're reading the topic text of %TOPIC% right now * use WikiSyntax (see TextFormattingRules) and [[Macros][macros]] to write rich topic content * [[FileAttachment][attachments]] * topics may have one or more file attachments * [[DataForms][DataForm]] * topics may have a [[DataForms][DataForm]] attached to them, which specifies [[MetaData][metadata]] fields that users may fill. This data may be [[QuerySearch][queried]] and [[FormattedSearch#Table_showing_form_field_values_of_topics_with_a_form][reported]] (see the [[FrequentlyAskedQuestions]] application as an example) * [[AccessControl][access controls]] * control who can view, edit, rename, move or delete topics * set permissions for individual users or user groups * override default permissions inherited by the web or site * [[CompareRevisionsAddOn][revisions]] * changes are automically recorded * change history shows authors, dates, and allows comparison between any two versions * [[ManagingTopics#RevisionRollback][revert to older versions]] * containing web * every topic must be contained within a web * list of webs at WebsTable * [[MetaData][meta-data]] * hidden contextual data stored within each topic * Example: parent topic * new topics are automatically made a "child" of the topic it was created from * parent relationship allows hierarchical, parent-child navigation * See [[#SystemWebFigure][Figure of System web]] * [[?template=backlinksweb][backlinks]] * a list of all topics that reference a given topic (see <a href="#topic-actions" class="foswikiLink">"%MAKETEXT{"More topic actions"}%"</a>) #EditingPages ---+++ Creating and editing topics Foswiki makes it easy to add and edit topics or link between them. *To edit:* click ==Edit== in the toolbar which should be present at the top and bottom of each page (assuming default PatternSkin). An edit screen appears. Use the =Edit Help= button if you need it. * Click ==Preview== to see how your edit looks. * Click ==Save== to save. *To add a new topic* there are three ways in the default PatternSkin: 1 Create a link to the topic which doesn't exist yet, e.g. by editing a topic and typing a WikiName. When the topic is saved, the link will be shown with a *?*: click the *?* and a new edit window appears. 1 Navigate to the topic which doesn't exist yet, e.g. by typing the name of topic in the [[GoBox][JumpBox]]. Foswiki should display a screen which invites you to create the topic. 1 Click the ==Create New Topic== link in the WebLeftBar links down the left side of the page (assuming default PatternSkin). Foswiki should display a screen which invites you to create the topic. #TopicNames ---+++ Topic Names The best strategy is to use WikiWords for your topic names. In this way, linking is automatic. However, if non-[[WikiWord]] names are required, you can use =[<nop>[bracketed links]]= to force a link to a non-standard topic name (see [[WikiSyntax#Internal_and_external_links][WikiSyntax]]). Forced links are subject to some restrictions and the actual topic name may not be identical to what was entered into the forced link. * The first letter of each "word" will be automatically capitalized * Spaces are compressed out of the topic name * The following special characters are removed: * Any other "whitespace" characters * ==*== (Asterisk) * ==?== (Question mark) * ==~== (Tilde) * ==^== (Caret / Circumflex) * ==\== (Backslash) * ==$== (Dollar-sign) * ==@== (At-sign) * ==%== (Percent-sign) * ==`'"== Quotes (Open-quote, Close-quote/Apostrophe, and Double-quote) * ==&== (Ampersand) * ==;== (Semicolon) * ==|== (Vertical line) * ==<>== (Less and Greater signs) * ==[]== (Open and close square brackets) * And any ASCII control characters (Hex x00-x1f) *Example:* If you enter ==[<nop>[my special-topic @here]]==, you will see ==[[my special-topic @here]]==, but the actual topic created will be ==<nop>MySpecial-topicHere==. Note that if you use the [[WebCreateNewTopic][Topic Creator]], WikiWord rules are strictly enforced and the resulting topic name would be ==<nop>MySpecialTopicHere== For more details on forced links, see [[EditingShorthand#HeRe][EditingShorthand]] <blockquote class="foswikiHelp">%I% The naming rules may be different for your installation; ask the [[mailto:%WIKIWEBMASTER%][wiki administrator]] who may have customised the ={NameFilter}= expert option under =Security and Authentication= in [[%SCRIPTURLPATH{"configure"}%#Environment$SecurityAndAuthentication][configure]]</blockquote> #RenamingTopics #RevisionRollback ---+++ Reverting, renaming, moving and deleting topics See [[FAQDeleteOrRenameATopic]] and [[ManagingTopics]] ---++ Anatomy of a web If a user navigates to a Foswiki site without specifying a web, the default [[%USERSWEB%.%HOMETOPIC%][%USERSWEB%]] will be displayed. Each web has: * name * [[#TopicNames][topic naming rules]] apply to web names * there is no ability to refer to _subwebs_ with a _relative_ path, i.e. they must always be _fully qualified_ - referred to in full, with the parent web(s) prefixed * the '.' and '/' characters serve as _path delimiters_ to a web or topic * example: [[%SANDBOXWEB%/MySubWeb/MySubSubWeb.MyTopic]] * it is possible in Foswiki to have a subweb which is the same name as a topic. For this reason, if there is a web named =%SANDBOXWEB%/MySubWeb=, navigating to it must be done so using a trailing slash, i.e. =%SANDBOXWEB%/MySubWeb/=. Without the trailing slash, Foswiki tries to display the _topic_ named =%SANDBOXWEB%.MySubWeb= * WebPreferences topic * sets PreferenceSettings to be inherited by all contained topics, e.g. [[AccessControl][access controls]], and: * =FINALPREFERENCES= to prevent subwebs and topics from overriding inherited PreferenceSettings * =WEBFORMS= to specify a list of DataForms that users should be able to attach to contained topics * =WEBCOPYRIGHT= to customise copyright message for all contained topics * provides a link to the [[ManagingWebs#RenameWeb][rename and delete web]] utility * %HOMETOPIC% topic * the home topic for the container web. It is also the default topic Foswiki will display if a user navigates to a web without specifying a topic name. * Utility topics (from the [[_default.WebHome][_default]] template web): %SEARCH{ "1" type="query" nonoise="on" web="_default" excludetopic="%HOMETOPIC%" format=" * $topic" separator="$n" }% ---+++ Renaming, moving and deleting webs See [[ManagingWebs]] <!-- %JQREQUIRE{"chili"}% --> --- *Related Topics:* UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, ManagingTopics, ManagingWebs
Topic attachments
0.1 K
01 Jan 1970 - 00:00
This topic: System
Topic revision:
18 Sep 2010,
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