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#VarADDTOZONE ---+++ ADDTOZONE <verbatim class="tml"> %ADDTOZONE{ "zone" ... }% </verbatim> *Parameters:* * ="zone"= optional, comma-separated list of the names of zones that the content should be added to. The only zones guaranteed to exist are =head= and =script=. Defaults to =head=. * =id= optional, =identifier= for the text being added with the =ADDTOZONE= call, to be used in the =requires= parameter of other =ADDTOZONE= calls. * %H% Multiple =ADDTOZONE= calls with the same =id= parameter will simply overwrite the earlier =ADDTOZONE= call. * =requires="..."= optional, comma separated string of =ids= of text within this =zone= that this content should follow when the zone is rendered. The content will be rendered even if a specified =id= is missing. * =text="..."= optional, text to be added to the named zone, mutually exclusive with =topic=. * =topic="..."= optional, full qualified =web.topic= name that contains the text to be added, mutually exclusive with =text=. Defaults to =%<nop>BASETOPIC%= * =section="..."= optional, section of the =topic= to be added, defaults to the default section between [[VarSTARTINCLUDE][STARTINCLUDE]] and [[VarSTOPINCLUDE][STOPINCLUDE]]. ---++++ What is a "Zone"? _Zones_ are specific places in the output HTML that are marked by calls to the [[VarRENDERZONE][RENDERZONE]] macro. Zones are used to collect various content together, such as Javascript and CSS, that must be included in the output HTML in a specific order, and in a specific place. There are two special zones called =head= and =script=. The =head= zone is rendered as part of the HTML head section. It is the catch-all container for any content supposed to be placed into the HTML head section, except Javascript, which is collected in the =script= zone. All Javascript _must_ always be added to the =script= zone exclusively, in order to grant ordering constraints among scripts are resolved properly. Never add Javascript to the =head= zone -- never add non-Javascript content to the =script= zone. Both zones are added to the HTML head section automatically just before the closing </head> tag as if they were specified explicitly in the skin templates using: <verbatim class="tml"> <head> ... %RENDERZONE{"head"}% %RENDERZONE{"script"}% </head> </verbatim> You may create as many zones in addition to the standard =head= and =script= zones as you like. For any non-standard zone specified in [[%TOPIC%][ADDTOZONE]] you will also need to provide an appropriate [[VarRENDERZONE][RENDERZONE]]. Interesting use cases in wiki applications: * Create a =sidebar= zone to add widgets, * Create a =toolbar= zone to add buttons icons * Create a =menu= zone to add menu entries ---++++ Adding content to a zone [[%TOPIC%][ADDTOZONE]] adds content to a zone identified with the =id= parameter. An =id= identifier is unique within the zone that they are added to. When the same =id= is used in multiple calls to [[%TOPIC%][ADDTOZONE]] the last call will win, that is previous content of the same =id= will be overwritten. ---++++ Enforcing a linear order of content within a zone An [[%TOPIC%][ADDTOZONE]] call may ensure that its content appears _after_ the content of some other [[%TOPIC%][ADDTOZONE]] calls by specifying their =ids= in the =requires= parameter. The =requires= parameter constraints the linear order of content added to a zone. When a zone is rendered, all ordering constraints expressed via =requires= are satisfied. Those =ids= not found in a zone don't have any influence on the final ordering. Missing =ids= aren't considered an error rather than an over-specified ordering problem. ---++++ Working with ={MergeHeadAndScriptZones}= disabled (default) In this mode, the =head= and =script= zones are treated separately. Even when =head= and =script= zones are treated separately, the =head= zone will always be rendered before the =script= zone, unless otherwise specified using [[VarRENDERZONE][RENDERZONE]] explicitly. So any content in the =script= zone that depends on content placed into the =head= zone is satisfied intrinsicly as they are both rendered as specified above. ---++++ Working with ={MergeHeadAndScriptZones}= enabled In this mode, the =head= and =script= zones are separate when adding to them, but may be treated as merged when you call [[VarRENDERZONE][RENDERZONE]] if there are any dependencies specified that only exist in the opposite zone. This allows an =ADDTOZONE{"head"...}= to to successfully require an =id= that has been added to =script=. <blockquote class="foswikiHelp"> %X% ={MergeHeadAndScriptZones}= is provided to maintain compatibility with legacy extensions that use [[VarADDTOHEAD][ADDTOHEAD]] to add =<script>= markup and require content that is now in the =script= zone. ={MergeHeadAndScriptZones}= will be removed from a future version of Foswiki. </blockquote> ---++++ Example: Adding to a zone with missing dependencies You must ensure that no =head= content (and no inline Javascript) depends on =script= content. Any such dependency will be _ignored_. In real world application this isn't a problem as Javascript is never added to the =head= zone or Javascript zone part of the =script= zone never really depends on non-Javascript content part of the =head= zone. HTML comment decoration which normally appears after each id's content in the rendered HTML will contain a small informative text to aid debugging. *Example* <verbatim class="tml"> %ADDTOZONE{ "script" text=" <script type='text/javascript'> alert('test'); </script>" requires="some-id-that-exists-in-script" id="MY::TEST" }% </verbatim> *Result* <verbatim class="html"> <script type='text/javascript'> alert('test'); </script> <!-- MY::TEST: requires= missing ids: some-id-that-exists-in-script --> </verbatim> ---++++ Example: Adding Javascript to a page Make sure that all inline Javascript code in the topic (if it is allowed) is added to the page using =%<nop>ADDTOZONE{"script"...requires="library-id"}%= with the appropriate library-id to guarantee a correct load order. For example, jQuery code should be added as follows: <verbatim class="tml"> %JQREQUIRE{"shake"}% %ADDTOZONE{ "script" id="MyApp::ShakePart" text=" <script type='text/javascript'> jQuery('#something').shake(3, 10, 180); </script>" requires="JQUERYPLUGIN::SHAKE" }% </verbatim> where "MyApp::ShakePart" is a unique =id= to identify the text added to =script=; and =JQUERYPLUGIN::SHAKE= signifies that the content added with that identifier should appear beforehand. ---++++ Example: Adding CSS to a page <verbatim class="tml"> %ADDTOZONE{"head" id="MyCSS" text=" <style type='text/css' media='all'> @import url('%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/MyCSS/foo.css'); </style>" }% </verbatim> See also [[VarRENDERZONE][RENDERZONE]], [[Foswiki:Development.UsingADDTOZONE][Using ADDTOZONE]], [[Foswiki:Development.UpdatingExtensionsScriptZone][Updating applications to use =script= zone]] <!-- %JQREQUIRE{"chili"}% -->
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Topic revision: r1 - 25 Mar 2011,
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