#VarINCLUDINGTOPIC ---+++ INCLUDINGTOPIC -- name of topic that includes current topic * The name of the topic that includes the current topic - same as =%<nop>TOPIC%= in case there is no include * If a topic is used in a chain of =INCLUDEs=, =INCLUDINGTOPIC= is set to the topic directly INCLUDing this one, _NOT_ the topic that has been requested by the user (which is set in =BASETOPIC=) <blockquote class="foswikiHelp">%X% While this Macro may appear to work, unless you require the subtle difference between =INCLUDINGTOPIC= and =BASETOPIC=, you probably should use =BASETOPIC= </blockquote> * Syntax: =%<nop>INCLUDINGTOPIC%= * Related: [[%IF{"'%BASETOPIC%'='Macros'" then="#"}%VarBASETOPIC][BASETOPIC]], [[%IF{"'%BASETOPIC%'='Macros'" then="#"}%VarINCLUDINGWEB][INCLUDINGWEB]], [[%IF{"'%BASETOPIC%'='Macros'" then="#"}%VarINCLUDE][INCLUDE]], [[%IF{"'%BASETOPIC%'='Macros'" then="#"}%VarTOPIC][TOPIC]]
This topic: System
Topic revision: revision 1 (raw view)
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