#VarTABLE ---+++ TABLE{ _attributes_ } -- control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns * The =%<nop>TABLE{}%= macro is handled by the TablePlugin * Syntax: =%<nop>TABLE{ _attributes_ }%= %STARTSECTION{"table_attributes"}% ---++++ Attributes for tables %TABLE{tablewidth="100%" columnwidths="10%,45%,20%,25%" sort="off" headerbg="#f5f5f5" databg="#ffffff" headercolor="#333333"}% | *Argument* | *Comment* | *Default value* | *Example* | | =tableborder= | Table border width (pixels). | ="1"= | =tableborder="2"= | | =tablebordercolor= | Table border color . Is only visible when =cellspacing= is larger than 1, or =cellborder= is =0=, or =tablerules= is =none=, otherwise the cell borders overlap the table border. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =tablebordercolor="#333"= | | =tableframe= | Table frame, set to ="void"= (no sides), ="above"= (the top side only), ="below"= (the bottom side only), ="hsides"= (the top and bottom sides only), ="lhs"= (the left-hand side only), ="rhs"= (the right-hand side only), ="vsides"= (the right and left sides only), ="box"= (all four sides), ="border"= (all four sides). | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =tableframe="hsides"= | | =tablerules= | Table rules, set to ="none"= (no rules), ="groups"= (rules will appear between row groups and column groups only), ="rows"= (rules will appear between rows only), ="cols"= (rules will appear between columns only), ="all"= (rules will appear between all rows and columns). See also: =headerrules= and =datarules=. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =tablerules="rows"= | | =tablewidth= | Table width: percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =tablewidth="100%"= | | =headerrows= | Number of header rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML =thead= section) | ="1"= | =headerrows="1"= | | =footerrows= | Number of footer rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML =tfoot= section) | ="0"= | =footerrows="1"= | | =id= | Unique table identifier string, used for targeting a table with CSS. | =tableN= (where N is the table order number on the page) | =id="userTable"= | | =summary= | Table summary used by screen readers: A summary of what the table presents. It should provide an orientation for someone who listens to the table. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =summary="List of subscribed users"= | | =caption= | Table caption: A title that will be displayed just above the table.| <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =caption="Users"= | | =inlinemarkup= | Set to "on" to generate inline markup HTML (in addition to the CSS markup); useful if you need to copy the table, for instance to paste the table into an email). | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =inlinemarkup="on"= | ---++++ Attributes for table sorting %TABLE{tablewidth="100%" columnwidths="10%,45%,20%,25%" sort="off" headerbg="#f5f5f5" databg="#ffffff" headercolor="#333333"}% | *Argument* | *Comment* | *Default value* | *Example* | | =sort= | Set the table sorting user interface (clickable column headers) ="on"= or ="off"=. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =sort="on"= | | =initsort= | Column to sort initially (use ="1"= for the first column). If specified, sorting is enabled; by setting =sort="off"= the sorting interface can be hidden. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =initsort="2"= | | =initdirection= | Initial sorting direction for =initsort=, set to ="up"= (descending, or decreasing in value) or ="down"= (ascending, or increasing in value). | =down= | =initdirection="up"= | | =disableallsort= | Disable all sorting, both initsort and header sort. This is mainly used by plugins such as the EditTablePlugin to disable sorting in a table while editing the table. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =disableallsort="on"= | ---++++ Attributes for table cells %TABLE{tablewidth="100%" columnwidths="10%,45%,20%,25%" sort="off" headerbg="#f5f5f5" databg="#ffffff" headercolor="#333333"}% | *Argument* | *Comment* | *Default value* | *Example* | | =cellpadding= | Cell padding (pixels). | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =cellpadding="0"= | | =cellspacing= | Cell spacing (pixels). | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =cellspacing="3"= | | =cellborder= | Cell border width (pixels). | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =cellborder="0"= | | =valign= | Vertical alignment of cells and headers, set to ="top"=, ="middle"=, ="bottom"= or ="baseline"=. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =valign="top"= | | =columnwidths= | Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =columnwidths="80%,20%"= | ---++++ Attributes for data cells %TABLE{tablewidth="100%" columnwidths="10%,45%,20%,25%" sort="off" headerbg="#f5f5f5" databg="#ffffff" headercolor="#333333"}% | *Argument* | *Comment* | *Default value* | *Example* | | =datarules= | Set to ="none"= (no rules), ="rows"= (rules will appear between rows only), ="cols"= (rules will appear between columns only), ="all"= (rules will appear between all rows and columns). Overrides =tablerules= for data cells. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =datarules="none"= | | =datavalign= | Vertical alignment of data cells; overrides =valign=. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =datavalign="top"= | | =dataalign= | Data cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to ="left"=, ="center"=, ="right"= or ="justify"=. Overrides individual cell settings. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =dataalign="center"= | | =databg= | Data cell background colour, a comma separated list. Specify ="none"= for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. | ="#edf4f9,#fff"= | =databg="#f2f2f2,#fff"= | | =databgsorted= | Data cell background colour of a sorted column; see =databg=. | the values of =databg= | =databgsorted="#d4e8e4, #e5f5ea"= | | =datacolor= | Data cell text colour, a comma separated list. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =datacolor="#00c, #000"= | ---++++ Attributes for headers %TABLE{tablewidth="100%" columnwidths="10%,45%,20%,25%" sort="off" headerbg="#f5f5f5" databg="#ffffff" headercolor="#333333"}% | *Argument* | *Comment* | *Default value* | *Example* | | =headerrules= | Set to ="none"= (no rules), ="rows"= (rules will appear between rows only), ="cols"= (rules will appear between columns only), ="all"= (rules will appear between all rows and columns). Overrides =tablerules= for header cells. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =headerrules="none"= | | =headerbg= | Header cell background colour. Specify ="none"= for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. | ="#6b7f93"= | =headerbg="#999"= | | =headerbgsorted= | Header cell background colour of a sorted column. Specify ="none"= for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. | the value of =headerbg= | =headerbgsorted="#32596c"= | | =headercolor= | Header cell text colour. | ="#fff"= | =headercolor="#00c"= | | =headervalign= | Vertical alignment of header cells; overrides =valign=. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =headervalign="top"= | | =headeralign= | Header cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to ="left"=, ="center"=, ="right"= or ="justify"=. Overrides individual cell settings. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =headeralign="left,right"= | | =headerrows= | See: Attributes for tables ||| ---++++ Other attributes %TABLE{tablewidth="100%" columnwidths="10%,45%,20%,25%" sort="off" headerbg="#f5f5f5" databg="#ffffff" headercolor="#333333"}% | *Argument* | *Comment* | *Default value* | *Example* | | =include= | Other topic defining the =TABLE= parameters. The first =%<nop>TABLE%= in the topic is used. This is useful if you have many topics with the same table format and you want to update the format in one place. Use =topic= or =web.topic= notation. | <span class="foswikiGrayText">unspecified</span> | =include="Main.WebHome"= | %ENDSECTION{"table_attributes"}% * Example:<verbatim class="tml"> %TABLE{ tableborder="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3" cellborder="0" }% | *A1* | *B1* | | A2 | B2 |</verbatim> * Expands as: %TABLE{ tableborder="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3" cellborder="0" }% | *A1* | *B1* | | A2 | B2 | * Related: See TablePlugin for more details <!--%JQREQUIRE{"chili"}%-->
This topic: System
Topic revision: revision 1 (raw view)
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